ui / ux design & documentation

ui / ux design & documentation

These are examples of Darren Frydendall’s UI designs showing the extent of his graphic narrative in the areas of web, application and mobile design. Recently D.W. has started creating and releasing his own themed apps on the Apple App Store.


At Cinedigm Darren designed and oversaw the framework creation for Blueprint 1.0. This system allows for quick white labeling for apps for the growing list of channels. He is currently working on Blueprint 2.0 which is a much more robust, yet as easily alterable, app framework that works with web, mobile and OTT platforms.


While at Cinedigm Darren helped to design and implement Matchpoint. Matchpoint is a tool to allow for the rapid aggregation and deployment of content to various OTT platforms. This system takes the video file, meta data, captions, rights and art and merges them into a deliverable package. This allowed a process that would take weeks for ingestion into days.

He’s also currently designing UI for mixed and virtual reality experiences.

You can view UI samples below▼

UI Designs

Cinedigm UI Designs

Darren also creates compelling UX documentation that unifies a project between the designers, programmers and copywriters by maintaining the project’s original vision.

He is proficient in the following programs for UX design: • Adobe InDesign • Omnigraffle • Balsamiq • Axure.

You can download document samples below▼

Cinedigm CONtv Desktop Experience

Cinedigm CONTtv Amazon Fire Experience

Cinedigm Docurama Desktop Experience

Cinedigm Docurama Tablet Experience

Ayzenberg Microsoft/NFL

XBox Social Intake



The Queen Latifah Show

Max Steel

Disney MVNO Features PRD

Disney MVNO Handset UI